GenAi: Subjective vs objective outcomes

by Max Bush, Director of Engineering


In the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence, generative AI stands out as a transformative force across diverse sectors—from finance and healthcare to marketing and creative industries. This advanced form of AI does more than process data; it generates new content, offers personalised interactions, and even makes decisions. Its applications are wide-reaching, and its potential is boundless.

However, deploying generative AI raises a pivotal question for businesses: When and how should this technology be employed to optimise outcomes? This inquiry is crucial, particularly when distinguishing between subjective outcomes—where AI’s creativity and adaptability shine—and objective outcomes—where precision and reliability are paramount. As we look further into the capabilities and limitations of generative AI, it becomes essential to understand these distinctions to leverage the technology effectively and responsibly.

This article is a deep dive into these intricacies, providing a roadmap for how generative AI can transcend the conventional chat interface and become a powerful tool in a business’s arsenal. Companies can make informed decisions that align with their strategic goals and operational requirements by understanding when to leverage generative AI and when more straightforward, more traditional solutions might be more suitable.

The Nature of Subjective Outcomes with Generative AI

Generative AI, by its very nature, excels in environments that demand creativity and a touch of personalisation. This makes it an ideal tool for tasks where standard outputs generated by traditional algorithms would fall flat. For instance, in content creation—from marketing copy to tailored news articles—generative AI can produce original, engaging content that reads well and resonates with its intended audience.

In the realm of art generation, this technology pushes boundaries even further. AI-driven tools such as DALL-E or DeepDream have introduced new ways for artists and designers to co-create with machines, offering a fusion of human imagination and algorithmic enhancement. These applications do not merely replicate artistic expressions but instead provide new forms of aesthetic and narrative exploration, showing how AI can become a partner in the creative process.

Dynamic interactions, such as customer service bots or personalised shopping assistants, also benefit from the adaptive nature of generative AI. Here, the AI tailors its responses based on the interaction’s context, learning from each customer’s preferences and history to provide a more intuitive and human-like service.

The Limitations for Objective Outcomes

While generative AI has proven grit in tasks demanding creativity and adaptability, its effectiveness in scenarios requiring absolute precision and consistency is less assured. This paradox is particularly evident in fields like data processing and detailed technical calculations, where the margin for error is minimal, and the consequences of inaccuracies can be significant.

One of the primary limitations of generative AI in these areas is its inherent reliance on the quality and breadth of the training data. Even the most advanced AI models can only learn from the data they are given, which may only encompass some potential variables or edge cases. This can lead to outputs that, while generally accurate, may fail under conditions that stray from the “norm” defined by the training data.

For instance, in financial services, where exacting precision is mandatory, deploying generative AI for transaction processing requires careful consideration. Misinterpretations or errors by AI systems in these applications could lead to financial discrepancies, highlighting the risks of relying solely on AI for such critical operations.

Moreover, benchmarks and studies often reveal that generative AI, while robust in handling standardised math problems—like introductory algebra or calculus—struggles with more complex, unstructured problems that require higher-order reasoning or human intuition. These tasks often involve variables and complexities that are not easily quantifiable or predictable, making them less suitable for AI-driven solutions.

Exception to the Rule: Standardised Objective Tasks

Despite the challenges associated with generative AI in delivering precise outcomes, this technology excels in specific objective tasks, mainly when governed by well-defined rules and standards. Generative AI can handle objective outcomes in these scenarios if the conditions and boundaries are set.

One such area is basic arithmetic operations. Generative AI can efficiently perform calculations that follow standard mathematical rules, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This capability is due to the deterministic nature of these tasks, which do not vary with different inputs and do not require contextual interpretation.

Another domain where generative AI finds its footing is in structured data queries within databases. Here, AI can help automate and streamline the extraction of information based on specific, predefined queries. For instance, it can generate regular reports that require pulling the same data set—such as monthly sales figures or inventory levels—from a database. The structured nature of these queries means the AI can consistently perform this task accurately.

Additionally, generative AI is beneficial in environments where the rules are unambiguous, and the outcomes are predictable. This includes automating routine processes like data entry, where inputs and outputs are clearly defined or scheduling systems where AI can optimise timetables and resource allocation based on set parameters.

Assessing the Need: GenAI vs. Automation

As businesses explore the potential of generative AI beyond typical applications like chat interfaces, they face a critical decision: choosing between generative AI (GenAI) and traditional automation. This choice is pivotal for embracing advanced technology and selecting the most effective tool tailored to specific operational needs. This section provides a framework to help decision-makers evaluate whether generative AI is a suitable investment or if the more traditional, often simpler, automation solutions would suffice.

  1. Complexity of Tasks: The first factor to consider is the complexity of the tasks that need to be automated. Traditional automation excels in routine, repetitive tasks that follow a fixed set of rules, such as data entry, invoice processing, or simple customer query handling.

  2. Need for Adaptability: Another crucial factor is adaptability. If the business environment is dynamic, with frequently changing processes or requirements, generative AI may be more suitable. Its ability to learn from new data and adjust its responses makes it ideal for scenarios where the inputs and desired outcomes evolve. Traditional automation systems, while reliable, often require reconfiguration or reprogramming to adapt to new conditions, which can be resource-intensive.

  3. Cost Implications: Investing in generative AI can be more costly upfront than traditional automation due to the need for significant data inputs, training, and potentially higher computational resources. The ongoing costs of maintaining and updating AI models can also add up. Businesses must weigh these costs against the expected benefits, such as increased efficiency, enhanced customer experience, or the ability to generate new revenue streams through innovative services.

  4. Integration with Existing Systems: Evaluating how well the new technology can integrate with existing systems is essential. Generative AI might require additional infrastructure changes or integrations that can further escalate costs and complexity. In contrast, traditional automation tools might be more straightforward to integrate with current IT environments, presenting a less disruptive option.

  5. Long-Term Strategic Goals: Finally, the decision should align with the organisation’s long-term strategic goals. If innovation, customisation, and scalability are vital priorities, investing in generative AI could provide a competitive edge. Conversely, traditional automation might be the preferable choice if the goal is to enhance efficiency and reduce costs with minimal disruption.

By carefully considering these factors, businesses can decide which technology solutions best fit their operational needs and strategic visions. This assessment ensures that investments in new technologies like generative AI are not just about keeping up with trends but are genuinely transformative for the business.


As we wrap up our discussion on the potential and pitfalls of generative AI, it’s clear that this technology is more than just a tool for automating chat interactions. From boosting creative processes to performing standardised tasks, generative AI has a varied role in today’s business landscape. Yet, it has limitations, especially in tasks where precision is non-negotiable.

When choosing between generative AI and traditional automation, consider what fits your specific business needs best. Consider the complexity of the tasks, how much adaptability you require, and the costs involved. This decision isn’t just about keeping up with technology trends—it’s about making strategic choices that align with your long-term goals.

This exploration helps you navigate the complexities of adopting new technologies in your operations. By understanding when and how to employ generative AI effectively, you can make more informed decisions that will shape the future of your business in this digital era.

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